Feminism has always been a lie.

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Originally posted 2020-05-13 13:50:35.

Feminism is a deception perpetrated on women and society by a small group of females, in order to implement a Communist Revolution. If you don’t believe me, read Gloria Steinem: ‘the only thing Marx got wrong is that the means ARE the end’.

The sex-doll issue, which was bubbling in the news-feeds as feminists set it up for attack — until COVID-19 stole the show — is illustrative of how they use sex to exercise power over men. No women are harmed in a sexual exchange between a man and a piece of plastic, yet somehow it is still ‘demeaning to women’ for this to happen. How is that even possible? It’s a SEX TOY.

I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig. Andrea Dworkin

books by rod fleming

Anyway, who the fuck cares? Men get demeaned and far worse by women all the time; what’s wrong with a little payback?. Just this week we hear how Giscard d’Estaing, one of the most respected politicians in Europe, is to have his reputation trashed because some feminist scumbag gold-digger ‘journalist’ alleges he felt her bum, once, many years ago. So what? He appreciates a nice arse, she should be bloody grateful for the attention. But she’s written a book, so it’s an easy way to get some cheap publicity. After all, it’s only a man she’s attempting to ruin, in order to swell the numbers at her signings. Not anyone important.

Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience. Catherine Comins

Here’s a thing: normal women don’t weaponise sex. Only feminist scumbags do that. Normal women do not see their bodies as armoured personnel carriers. Normal women do not see sex as a humiliation. Instead they see it as a pleasure that a loving couple enjoy and that bonds them. And all of these are anathema to the feminist scumbags.

The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist. Ti-Grace Atkinson

Weaponising sex and using it as a tool to coerce men — which is what feminists encourage normal women to — is about as disgusting and ugly a thing as exists and it’s a fucking sight more offensive than squeezing some sloppy bum-fat. Persuading normal women that sex is wrong by slogans like ‘all sex is rape’ — is a ghastly thing to do. And yet, weaponised sex is the principal tool of feminism


feminism dworkin
The angry landwhale herself, Andrea Dworkin

Let’s not forget the unashamed, blatant exercise of female privilege assumed by feminists. Women want to be treated like men, but woe betide the man who tells a naughty joke. Feminists want to be like men who behave according to the rules they set — and men are not asked. It’s all right, as the loathsome land-whale Andrea Dworkin, or more lately that has-been slag Madonna did, to demand that all men be raped, but if I were to stand up and insist that this should be reciprocated, what would be the reaction? When it comes to feminism there is ALWAYS one rule for the goose and another for the gander.

The nuclear family must be destroyed… Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process. Linda Gordon

Normal women should beware, for feminists will not stop until they are as subjugated as men and that they, the apparatchiks of the Gynocracy, are in total control of sex and thus, society. They’re already advocating written, signed ‘sex contracts’ (how foolish of us, we thought that was marriage) and that the desire for sex must be continually reaffirmed, during the act itself — presumably also in writing.

It won’t be long before they’re handing out sex ration books, not to men, but to women, telling them how often they can have sex, because after all, giving men what they want is injurious to feminism. So what, four fucks a month to be the legal maximum? And of course, we’ll need to have evidence that everyone is compliant, so let’s make microchipping compulsory, shall we? We can do it while people are still kids, when they get their measles shots; they’ll never know. And then the Gynocracy can monitor every aspect of their lives, forever. Don’t you think that would be such a great idea? You wait till you have the police at your door asking for a little chat because you had sex five times last month, instead of the permitted four.

Feminism has ‘never been about equality’ as Germaine Greer has said so often. She’s right: feminism is about the complete destruction of Western civilisation, in order to replace it with a Communist dictatorship, but one in which men will have no say and equality will be a thing of the past: the Gynocracy.

The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race. Sally Miller Gearhart, in The Future – If There Is One – Is Female

Unwanted social change because of feminism

Until fifty years ago, all a woman had to do was look after the house for her husband, who worked all the hours he could to provide for her. She just had to keep her coozie warm, wet and available and her husband would keep working himself into a shade all his days. That was it.

You know what? NO MEN COMPLAINED. ‘Okay, they said, we’ll go to work, we’ll get industry-related diseases, we’ll get stressed, get heart attacks, we’ll go to war and die in the most horrific and terrifying ways imaginable, and you just stay home and feed the cat.’

Feminists, being ungrateful, spoiled brats, didn’t want that. They were not satisfied with being women. In fact, they hated the condition of being a woman so much that they wanted to be men instead. So, they entered the workforce, with the result, because of increased family spending power causing inflation, that it now requires two incomes to maintain a middle-class home, instead of one. And to make matters worse, feminists decided that women should not stay at home to look after the few babies that feminists tolerate them having, so guess who took over responsibility for all the children women had and didn’t want to look after?

Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage. Sheila Cronin, the leader of the feminist organization NOW

I’ll tell you: the State. As a result, feminism has been the biggest single cause of State expansionism in the last fifty years. In other words, feminism is just Communism with a new dress on; its ultimate aim is not the dictatorship of the proletariat, but the dictatorship of feminists: the Gynocracy. .

Now you know why the US has a squillion trillion budget deficit. It’s BECAUSE OF FEMINISM.

I don’t give a fuck

Now it’s like this: I don’t give a fuck. I’ll drink beer and enjoy my remaining years with my lovely partner, who is under half my age, drop-dead gorgeous, doesn’t feel she needs to go and compete in the jobs marketplace and only asks that I provide her with stability and security. She ensures that my satisfaction is complete, at least once a day. All of which I am happy as a flea on a dog’s back with, so you can forget any attempt to shame me.

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At least we get some eye candy

Destroy society, turn the West into a Communist superstate with a knitting club in charge, do as you like. That’s what you did with the European Union and look what a train wreck that’s turning out to be. Why? Because you let women, either those with cunts (albeit well dried up) like Merkel or those with cocks (albeit for decoration only) like Macron, run the damn thing.

Bankrupt the West, then line the poor schmucks who still have an opinion up and shoot them, like Communists always do. It’ll take you longer in the USA because of that darn Constitution but you’ll succeed in the end; Europe has already raised the white flag and surrendered its liberty. Remind me why we bothered fighting that war again.

I just can’t exercise myself to care now. The West has been destroyed. It’s past tense. Its demise is not something we’re waiting for and the fact is that while coronavirus might deal the coup-de grace, the culture was a dead man walking already. Thanks to feminism.

So go ahead, ruin your country, ruin the West, whatever. Mine’s another cold one with my girl on my knee, you do…whatever. As long as you stay the fuck away from me and mine. It’s just a damn shame there’s no Baygon for feminists. Cockroaches, mosquitoes, other annoying pests yes, but not feminists. Shame. How wonderful it would be: ‘Ah, a feminist, pass me the spray.’ And there she would be, legs kicking in the air — finally adopting the position she should always have. I mean, I know it’s symbolic because no man would actually fuck a feminist anyway, but still.

Stop moaning

Meantime, in the absence of such a technological marvel, for pity’s sake, please STOP MOANING about how hard done by you are, when men have GIVEN YOU EVERYTHING YOU WANTED and more. EVERYTHING. For what? Do you think an occasional unenthusiastic fuck and maybe a blowjob once every ten years is enough to make us give you all that? You must be nuts. Sex is no trick, it’s easy to arrange. We gave you everything you wanted because we’re nice guys who believe in fair play — which feminists have ruthlessly and relentlessly used against us. As usual. Your model is not Mary Queen of Heaven, it’s Lady MacBeth. And just like her, you will never be satisfied.

Next time I will tell you a story from Ancient Rome. It’s called ‘The Rape of the Sabine Women’.

books by rod fleming

11 Replies to “Feminism has always been a lie.”

  1. Do you think you are with your current partner as a result of feminism? Did feminism turn you against western women in general?

    1. Not directly. My former wife, a natal woman, was not a feminist in any sense. However, after some time single and realising that the Western women I was attracted to were unavailable and that those who were available were unattractive, I decided to date in Asia. I made a decision very early on that I did not want more children, having 4 already (all adults) and being vasectomised anyway. It is not really possible to become seriously involved with a woman here without children being a factor. It is unconscionable for a man to refuse to allow a woman her babies, so transwomen were the obvious solution. Having said that, I already knew I liked transwomen and I was open to the idea. After that it was only a matter of time until I met Sam.

      I am not against Western women at all, but I am absolutely opposed to feminism. As a result of book research I really read into feminist literature, beginning about 2015, for the first time and I was horrified. I felt betrayed. I had always known about vile people like Dworkin but had imagined they were the lunatic fringe. I had believed the PR spin — that feminism was about equality and placing motherhood at the centre of society, after Gimbutas and the ‘Goddess Feminism’ movement. Reading the literature showed that this was just a front, that those I had considered the lunatic fringe were actually, now, the centre and the real aim of feminism was to establish a pseudo-Marxist dictatorship of the gynocracy, in which men would have no voice and be suppressed. It was resolutely anti-natalist, voir Atwood and even where it permitted women to have children, wanted them to be raised by the State and certainly away from any male influence. It condemned the nuclear family and the idea of male parental contribution and desired to see this dismantled. Horrified, I went on reading and it just got worse — and it still does.

      I feel sorry for Western women. They have been sold a pup. Feminism will make them miserable and unfulfilled and the capitalist system will rejoice in their exploitation. Hopefully, as they did with Communism in the USSR, people will come to their senses and destroy it. But that might be a long time coming and the damage has already been done.

  2. I wonder if sharing country club privileges means the politicians also have to share their saunas, swimming pool, gym and other niceties they have endowed themselves with the female members also! You have to know some of those women could be a frightening sight they may not ever recover from!

  3. Well it’s about time. And maybe you’ve learned not to get smart with me, or to misgender my girlfriend, young lady.

    1. Yes she does indeed. We are very close. I realise that intimate and rewarding relationships have hitherto escaped you, but maybe if you abandoned feminism and generally being a cunt, some man might actually find time for you. Those dishes are waiting, by the way.

    1. Really? I haven’t seen much evidence of that here. You slander others, lie about them and misgender them. Doesn’t look like ‘nice’ to me. Fortunately I am immune to feminoid harpies.

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