The Four Horsemen of the Gaypocalypse

four horsemen

Originally posted 2023-03-01 16:56:50.

Okay, so the four horsemen of the Gaypocalypse is tongue-in-cheek. But for too long we have been fed real whoppers by the New Gay Man apologists and activists. The first of these is that ‘gay’ and ‘homosexual’ mean the same thing. They don’t at all, and this curious conflation — of four horsemen into one — has been extremely useful for those New Gay Man and ‘Queer’ activists, and thoroughly bad news for the actual homosexuals. It is in fact almost impossible to understand alternative male sexuality while believing that the four horsemen are one.

So who are these Four Horsemen of the Gaypocalypse and what is their purpose?

books by rod fleming

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Homosexual, Bisexual and ‘Not-Men’.


Originally posted 2018-09-07 04:38:50.

Any man who willingly has sex with a woman is NOT homosexual. Period. That is because ‘homosexual’ means ‘someone exclusively attracted to same sex from childhood’. A man who willingly has sex with both men and women is bisexual, irrespective of how he describes himself. That applies also to those men who ‘discover’ they are ‘gay’ in later life, after years of marriage. They’re bisexual, not homosexual.

Homosexual male does not equal ‘gay’

Homosexual males are attracted to masculinity, because they have an inversion of sexuality. However,  ‘gay’ is actually a lifestyle which comprises homosexual men but also bisexuals, ephebephiles and hebophiles (attracted to teenage boys, basically) non-trans autogynephiles whose fetish for ‘being a woman’ is being penetrated, super-masculine narcissistic homosexuals and even others. And these are all real things, not airhead genders. There is no one ‘homosexual’ lifestyle, despite the ongoing efforts of the New Gay Man thought police to ensure everyone (actually, everyone at all) is properly ensconced under their appropriate label in the LBTQalphabet permitted lifestyle and orientation set.

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Pederasts and homosexuals

Apollo and Hyacinth. Alexander Ivanov

Originally posted 2023-02-13 19:59:03.

We’ve talked a lot about homosexuality here, and explained how it is a specific personality type. We’ve also discussed the ‘gay’ lifestyle and explained that this, like ‘trans’ is an umbrella description covering several different personality types, only one of which is actually homosexual. Within the gay lifestyle there are two principal types, pederasts and homosexuals. A third group is made up of non-transitioning autogynephiles and there are several more, but pederasts and homosexuals form a natural opposition.


Pederasts, let me make it clear, are NOT homosexuals. They have none of the qualities that mark out the homosexual. Where homosexuals are feminine, pederasts are masculine, for example.

I want to address an important question: we know that homosexuality is innate and caused by hormone delivery anomalies in utero; but is pederasty innate and if so, by what mechanism might it be enacted? If pederasty is not innate, on the other hand, how does it come about? That would make it a learned behaviour. So are there any signs that pederasty does have a potentially innate basis, at least for some men?

How did it begin?

books by rod fleming

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A woman pretending to be a man in a male body.

erotic target

Originally posted 2021-02-16 16:37:20.

(A brief History of Homo, Part 2) In hypermasculine ‘egalitarian’ homosexuality, the basis of the New Gay Man cult, the individual’s Erotic Target, is himself, in the form of a masculine man. This results from the peculiar social conditions he operates in.

The New Gay Man is a male with Sexual Inversion, that is to say, he has female or passive sexuality.

(In sexuality) activity is put into operation by the instinct for mastery through the agency of the somatic musculature (the body); the organ which, more than any other, represents the passive sexual aim is the erotogenic mucous membrane of the anus.
Sigmund Freud

books by rod fleming

Feature pic: apparently Sir Ian thinks ‘gay men’ are more masculine than straight men. Well, women are better judges of this than men…but really I think it’s because we don’t have to try as hard as gays.

Continue reading “A woman pretending to be a man in a male body.”

The New Gay Man: A brief history of homo Part One

new gay man

Originally posted 2021-02-15 16:43:03.

The New Gay Man is the name I give to the ‘hypermasculine’ type of male homosexual which has become dominant in the West, though not elsewhere. This type pursues ‘masc4masc’ relationships and is intensely hostile to any sign of femininity. Crucially, however, it only became dominant in the last half-century.  Today, it is being challenged by a resurgent and older form of male-male love and is reacting against this, stamping down on opposition. We should ask why and how has all this come about?

books by rod fleming

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Gender Identity does not exist: Explaining Transgender 3

Originally posted 2017-08-05 13:45:43.

In the West, both ‘gay’ and ‘transgender’ activists have spent fifty years trying to persuade us all that sexuality and so-called ‘gender identity’ are two totally separate things, but this is a lie. The truth is that homosexual boys become girly to attract men and butch lesbian girls become manly to attract women. That’s all there is to it.

Ah, you say, what about those ‘transgender’ women who are attracted to women? What about that then? How does that affect ‘gender identity’?

books by rod fleming
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Pederasty: How boys are turned ‘gay’.


Originally posted 2023-01-25 16:35:43.

Pederasty: a love whose name must not be spoken

Pederasty describes romantic and sexual relationships between adult men and adolescent boys, usually between the ages of twelve to twenty, though this varies. In some forms, such as the classic Greek Love and the Samurai Wakashudo, it was partly pedagogic; the boy was taught life-skills in exchange for sexual favours. In others, like the Roman, it is much more hedonistic with little idea of a teacher-student relationship. In still others it is largely a cultural phenomenon, which is not to say it is not enjoyed by the participants. An example of this would be the sexual practices of the Etoro peoples of New Guinea, but they are not alone.{1}

Etoro (Sambian) warriors.

Typical of traditional pederastic cultures is that young females are strictly unavailable to men for sex, although older courtesans might be. Thus there is an element of Situational Homosexuality involved. In the English Public School system, which persisted until recently, we know that most who went through it were not homosexuals and did not become so. Indeed, many have stated that had girls been available, they would have pursued them, but since they were not, they ‘had fun with each other instead.’

books by rod fleming

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