Islam and the death of freedom

Israeli soldiers.

For several years now I have not been writing much about Islam. Partly this was because my interest was elsewhere. However the recent murderous attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians, many of them children and even babies, have forced the issue. None of us can stand by and watch this demonic genocide without protest.

Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and the West Bank after the 1967 War and had maintained control, although it had mistakenly allowed Hamas and Hizbollah to establish Islamic schools within these areas.


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Narcissistic rage attacks, marks of the transvestite

narcissistic rage

Originally posted 2022-08-28 14:56:13.

Narcissistic rage, grooming and predation are the hallmarks of the Autogynephilic transvestite.

Narcissistic rage, grooming and predation are the hallmarks of the autogynephilic transvestite, especially the Western elderly form. It is characteristic and more: a badge. All autogynephilic transvestites will at some point indulge narcissistic rage attacks. In other words,  they will all turn nasty in the end. Every single one.

Narcissistic rage attacks: mental condition

Other mental conditions may give rise to narcissistic rage attacks, but rarely is it as vicious, vituperative and mean as in the autogynephilic transvestite. Worse, narcissistic rage attacks provoke such men into plotting or even attempting to execute, strategems that will cause real harm to their victims. They will try to ruin careers and lives, marriages and even have children removed from the homes of their victims, on the basis of smears, lies and fantasy.

Sometimes, they may go further and attempt to persuade – or to pay – others to harm or even kill their victims. Fortunately, these most violent narcissistic rage attacks generally remain in the realm of fantasy, for autogynephilic transvestites are, typically, weak and ineffectual men; though sadly, not all. This is most marked once they have allowed their pseudo-feminine alter-ego, the autogynephilic artefact, to take control.

I’ll illustrate this with two cases, one well-known and the other not.

books by rod fleming

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