Protecting the Gender Binary, the basis of civilisation.


Originally posted 2023-07-14 12:12:03.

Today, in the West, it is effectively mandated that male on male sexual activity happens only within the gay ‘scene’ and between gay ‘men’ who essentially are indistinguishable from each other. Through this, the myth has evolved that you didn’t have to be girly to want to be nailed to the bed by a hairy beast. Thus was born the ridiculous pseudo-masculine New Gay Man.

Something similar happened amongst lesbians. Until the 1970s, they’d all pretty much look like brickies, but in the new ‘egalitarian’ mode, they had to appear to be feminine. So now you couldn’t tell a lesbian just by looking at her. Well, you could, really, but that would spoil the story, wouldn’t it?

Underlying these cultural shifts is the lying, green-eyed monster of feminism, the greatest curse to afflict humanity since the Black Plague. This saw females as being ‘oppressed’ by males as a result of their sex. So, conflating sex with gender, they made the jejune proclamation that getting rid of gender — specifically the gender binary — would make it all better again.

books by rod fleming

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