Originally posted 2013-09-30 15:05:59.
They’re the elephant in the room, where relations between transwomen and men are concerned.
Elephant, you say? Well, almost without exception, the assertion is made that the men who like transwomen are straight. Yet when you talk to transwomen in private, a very different picture appears. Half at least of men who seek out transwomen far from being straight or anything close, are closet autogynephiliacs (AGP) (and homophobic to boot). They’re not homosexual, but they are gay.
This is borne out by research done at Northwestern University by Ken Hsu et alia.
We would not expect honesty from these men about this; after all, look at the lengths they go just to deny their own sexuality and maintain a false façade of hetero-normativity. The elephant must be hidden. Their words may be taken with a moderately-sized bucket of salt. But what about the girls? Why do transwomen ever lend credibility to this falsehood? Why don’t they just call out these guys as closet queens from the get-go?