Beautiful boys to Ladyboys; how little has changed

definition of homosexuality

Originally posted 2022-09-21 15:39:16.

The Greeks deeply appreciated the sexual allure of beautiful boys. I mean that old goat Zeus even kidnapped one, Ganymede.

The Romans, too, enjoyed them at every level of society.  Beautiful boys were imported as slaves by the thousands, to satisfy the Roman desire for them. These boys were coiffed and dressed as girls. They were ladyboys — whether they liked it or not.

beautiful boys
Captives in Rome,1888. Charles_Bartlett. Slave-boys, probably Celts, in the slave-market at Rome. Many would have been purchased, effectively, as sex-toys.

The Islamosphere is so passionate in its male love for beautiful boys that the Prophet himself commented upon their allure. The Ottoman Empire was legendary for its enthusiasm for boys, suitably feminised; ergo, they were ladyboys.

beautiful boys

books by rod fleming

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Not having sex kills men: so get some in 2019

Originally posted 2019-01-03 11:47:09.

It’s well known that women live longer, on average, than men do. Partly, of course, this is due to the fact that men tend to have more dangerous jobs, in our modern world.

That was not always the case: until little more than a hundred years ago, men’s life expectancy was relatively much longer, because of the high levels of death in childbirth. But most men don’t die in mining accidents or in wars. So what actually kills men? Could it be that not having sex is what kills them?

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Feminism: Terminator required; apply within

beginning of gender

Originally posted 2018-12-18 09:39:57.

Today is not the first time that feminism has threatened to destroy civilisation. It’s very interesting to note, if you study the mythologies of the ancient Levant on which Christianity is based, how the Goddess,  symbolic of women, became identified with Satan.

The serpent and the dragon (just a bigger version) were always creatures of the Goddess. The day aspect of the Goddess in Sumerian mythology was called Inanna (later Ishtar) whose uncle, Enki, was her closest ally. Enki frequently appeared as a snake. Feminism is just the modern version of an ancient evil.

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Sex Tourism: right or wrong?

Originally posted 2018-10-12 11:30:28.

What is ‘sex tourism’? It’s a subject that generates a great deal of copy and little enlightenment. Is it just ‘mongering’, the practice of buying sex, but this time in foreign lands? And if it were, why would there be anything wrong with that?

Is it any sex abroad? Is having sex when you’re on holiday ‘sex tourism’?  What about if you live abroad and occasionally have dalliances with the locals? Sex tourism? What about, in the same country, if you marry a local? Still ‘sex tourism’?


What does ‘sex tourism’ actually mean? Is it really a thing, or is it just another nasty epithet that the lowest of the low, rabidfems, use to try to shame men into behaving by the rules that they and other feminazis set, without ever getting a say in defining those rules?  Can women be ‘guilty’ of ‘sex tourism’, or is that just holiday fucking?

books by rod fleming


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Tryst on Februar Fowerteen – A Scots Allegory


Originally posted 2014-02-14 20:16:57.

A fell cauld wind wis sauchin ower the muir as the bonny wumman gart her wey tae tryst her jo. For the necht wis Februar the fowerteen, an aabody kens at’s the necht for luve.

She wis winsome eneuch, tho the first blush o youth, it maun be said, was left ahent her a lang while syne. A body mecht hae speirit at himsel how comes a lass o sic natral attractions hidnae been wad this mony a lang year.

At last she reached the spot ablow an auld aik whaur she an her jo hiv met this necht mony mair years nor either of them wad care tae hink on. Her jo wis aaready there, a puckle fashit, ye mecht hink, wi the wye he wis stridin up an doon, his een flashin faniver he luikit up.

“Ah, here you are, at last,” he intoned, as the lass presented hersel.

books by rod fleming

Featured Image: Restenneth Priory, Forfar, Angus, Scotland. Pic by Rod Fleming

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Harm in sex? How?


Originally posted 2022-07-19 17:24:09.

In Asia, South America and elsewhere, boys are likely to become sexually active with older boys and men while in late childhood or adolescence. Where is the evidence that there is harm in sex like this?

Their activity will almost always be as recipients in anal sex.  It should go without saying that in cultures where male femininity is tolerated and even admired, the number who turn out to be ‘regular straight folks’ is approximately zero. So is there any harm in sex like this?

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In France, Everything Shuts On Monday


Originally posted 2013-05-24 17:53:48.

Everything Is Shut On Monday.

Not for the French the quaint Anglo-Saxon habit of neighbouring towns staggering their half-days—or even taking half-days in the first place.

On Monday, the whole of France is as dead as that chap they poisoned on St Helena. You know the one. In fact, I think he was responsible for it. And of course, the reason is quite fair; all the shops are open on Saturday so that the people who don’t work in shops can do their shopping, and why should the commercants and their staff not enjoy a proper two-day weekend?

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In France, Everything Shuts at Twelve- (Part Two)


Originally posted 2013-05-23 15:17:59.

 “No,” I cried, and summoned up the best of my then limited French, “Cas d’urgence!”

But this made no impression on the battle-axe, who shook her head again, pointed to her watch and mouthed “Quattors heures et demi.” Whatever my emergency was, it would h

ave to wait another 150 minutes.

FranceAghast as she began to turn away again, and now completely at a loss for words, I was once again reminded of the sheer brilliance of my wife in situations like this. Knowing that she could not hope to plead her case in French, she had slipped over to the car, unstrapped Calum, and now appeared with him in her arms; when she knew she had the dame’s attention, she lowered the towel wrapped around him to show the lad’s bare bottom, and just said one of the few French words she knew by heart, because she needed it so often. “Couches!”

Continue reading “In France, Everything Shuts at Twelve- (Part Two)”