The Brexit Mirror — cracked from side to side

The Brexit mirror cracked from side to side under the weight of simple, sheer reality this week. The fissure in the Brexit mirror began to appear when Norway's Foreign Minister told the world that no, the UK could not re-enter the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) just because it fancied the idea. The UK was a founder member of EFTA but left as a condition of joining the then EEC in 1973. Re-entry, however, would require unanimous approval from the remaining members and Norway is agin the idea. It's not the only one to show reluctance. So: Norway is not going to just roll over and let a bunch of insufferably entitled English Tories defenestrate its rectum. Which means that the UK will be locked out of the single market. Basically, that means that what little is left of the UK's manufactory is fucked, and so is its banking sector.  Remind me what else there is in the UK economy? Oh, corner shops. Yahoo. Individual deals. But surely we could make individual deals wi
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