The German bully of Europe

Originally posted 2015-07-09 17:14:30.

It’s not that often I agree with Suzanne Moore. So that has to be noteworthy for a start. I find myself agreeing with Joseph Stiglitz more often — and why not, I mean he is a Nobel Prize winner. I am pretty sure for all three of us to be in agreement is pretty exceptional though.

Originally posted 2015-07-09 17:14:30.

And what are we agreeing about? The Germany bully and its  atrocious, scandalous treatment of Greece, that’s what.

Margaret Thatcher’s, fears, expressed before Germany was re-unified, have proven correct: Germany is once again Europe’s bad-mannered thug, and it has long since begun to flex its muscles.

Of course it always thus; three times in under 70 years, the German bully invaded its neighbours and created havoc. (Okay, the first was technically Prussia, but that’s a detail.)

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