Sex atypical kids are usually transsexual.

Originally posted 2018-05-01 08:44:15.

Sex atypical children, also known as ‘gender nonconforming’ or ‘sex nonconforming’ children, that is, young people who have not yet reached puberty but who persistently show cross-gender behaviours and sex atypicality, are, today, a hot-button issue.

Parents should realise that it is quite normal for children to indulge in cross-gender role-play; it’s one way that they find out who they really are. Nearly all will move on to another form of play very quickly. Boys liking pink are not necessarily sex-atypical, nor are girls liking blue.  Loads of boy children like playing with dolls and plenty of girls like cars and motorcycles; yes there are distinguishable, statistical trait characteristic differences that allow us to be quite sure that the bases of gender are indeed innate, but these are not absolutes at all and there is huge individual variation.

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