Human Society is for reproduction. Sex matters.

Originally posted 2021-04-01 13:39:37.

I have said many times that ‘the Romans were right’ and so they were. Their understanding of human sexuality, which remains in place across the world but has been suppressed in the Anglosphere, is natural, intuitive and simple. It is based on a six axioms.

    • boys go with girls and girls go with boys;
    • opposites attract and likes repel each other;
    • sexuality and gender are two sides of the same coin;
    • to penetrate is to be male, to receive to be female;
    • a homosexual male cannot be a man;
    • men provide and protect, women make babies and nurture them.

Once these are understood, the whole of human sexuality — and society –resolves into focus.

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books by rod fleming

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Abortion: the egregious slaughter of the innocent

Originally posted 2020-05-09 01:27:49.

We generally agree, as humans, that human life is sacrosanct. It is one of the greatest cultural condemnations we can deliver, that ‘human life has no value’. Yet abortion does precisely that: it places the value of human life at zero.

According to a report by Worldometer,  a reference website, about 40-50 million abortions are performed worldwide each year, which works out to be about 125,000 abortions every single day. Abortion is the single biggest cause of human death. This figure comes from the WHO. Anyone who is not disgusted by that statistic should be ashamed.

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Not having sex kills men: so get some in 2019

Originally posted 2019-01-03 11:47:09.

It’s well known that women live longer, on average, than men do. Partly, of course, this is due to the fact that men tend to have more dangerous jobs, in our modern world.

That was not always the case: until little more than a hundred years ago, men’s life expectancy was relatively much longer, because of the high levels of death in childbirth. But most men don’t die in mining accidents or in wars. So what actually kills men? Could it be that not having sex is what kills them?

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The free sex market and why feminists hate it

free sex market

Originally posted 2021-03-05 17:24:49.

The rules of a free sex market are simple. Women want money, so they fuck. If you have money, you get to fuck them. No money, no honey. Sex is the currency with which a woman earns tangible benefit; money is the tangible benefit needed to buy sex. It’s honest.

Walking Street, the pedestrianised area of Fields Avenue, is a delight to visit. There are many like it, from Pattaya, to others across the planet. These streets have been here for thousands of years; they are areas where a free sex market is in place.

Women go there to have sex and make money; men go there to spend money and have sex. Some just like to watch, all of life really being a fair in places like this, and alcohol lubricates the system.

books by rod fleming

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Pot, Porn and Prostitution – 3 Ps

Originally posted 2018-09-25 08:10:28.

There are three parameters that I think define the level of freedom we actually enjoy. I call them the ‘3 Ps’.

(This was written in the happier days of 2015, when we measured freedom more casually. Today, a mere six years later, in 2022, the real threat to our freedom is the relentless attack on free speech and expression, being pursued by the wokeist Left and its feminist, Portmodernist and Identitarian fellow-travellers. Even stating simple facts today is considered a ‘hate crime’ in many jurisdictions, including the UK. Sometimes, frankly, I wish we had the Cold War back. At least then we knew what we stood for. I still do; do you? Another war is coming, of that we can now be absolutely sure. Indeed, it may already have begun.)

books by rod fleming

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Zionist: how I became one (and remain so)


Originally posted 2021-02-25 14:23:20.

Being a Zionist is usually thought to be restricted to the Jews themselves; but not in my case. So how I came to be a Zionist might be worth telling.

Once, when I was much younger, I took a train journey from my then home in Arbroath in Scotland, to Falmouth in Cornwall. The purpose was to join the crew of a new, semi-submersible oil-rig which had just crossed the Atlantic from Texas. It’s a long way from Arbroath to Falmouth.

In those days, trains had compartments and were comfortable. There was some privacy and one might even sleep. For part of the interminable journey, I shared a compartment with a young woman, blonde and attractive. We chatted about many things but mainly, as travellers do, about where we were going. My tale was easy to tell and seemed to me mundane, but hers was interesting.

books by rod fleming

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Erotic target location error and Autogynephilia

erotic target location error

Originally posted 2022-06-18 17:54:55.

Autogynephilia is the most common cause of male-to-feminine transition in the West. Dr Ray Blanchard, who first proposed the theory of Autogynephilia, estimates that in the USA, it accounts for about 70% of such transitions, although this is a difficult call to make.

This means that it’s important to realise that Autogynephilia is a real thing and that it affects many men. In some cases it can be so debilitating as to be life-threatening and certainly is the cause of many ruined marriages. It is caused by an error in Erotic Target location.

Unfortunately, there is a group of activists, some Autogynephilic themselves, others their supporters, who refuse to accept the reality of their condition. These range from serious researchers, through quacks, to poorly educated internet pundits such as a person hiding behind the fake name ‘tailcalled’.


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Socially-induced autogynephilia

this has nothing to do with socially induced autogynephilia

Originally posted 2022-08-01 19:07:04.

We have , over the last decade, seen a new form of mental disorder afflict our young people. This is called ‘transgenderism’ and it has established almost a stranglehold on Western culture. Yet almost no ‘transgenders’ are actually transsexual and this bizarre situation is getting worse every year. So how has this come about?

This article is about socially-induced autogynephilia, so what is that? Surely autogynephilia is a function of sexuality? Well it is, but it can be socially-induced too, given the right climate. Let me explain.

In males there are two traditionally recognised pathways to transition. One is innate homosexuality, also known as sexual inversion. Individuals in this group will be remarked while still very young, usually pre-school. Not all will transition, it depends on the level of social intolerance, but if they persist through puberty, then the overwhelming majority will either be feminine homosexual or transsexual. I am not going to comment further on that here, but I have written numerous articles about this.

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A woman pretending to be a man in a male body.

erotic target

Originally posted 2021-02-16 16:37:20.

(A brief History of Homo, Part 2) In hypermasculine ‘egalitarian’ homosexuality, the basis of the New Gay Man cult, the individual’s Erotic Target, is himself, in the form of a masculine man. This results from the peculiar social conditions he operates in.

The New Gay Man is a male with Sexual Inversion, that is to say, he has female or passive sexuality.

(In sexuality) activity is put into operation by the instinct for mastery through the agency of the somatic musculature (the body); the organ which, more than any other, represents the passive sexual aim is the erotogenic mucous membrane of the anus.
Sigmund Freud

books by rod fleming

Feature pic: apparently Sir Ian thinks ‘gay men’ are more masculine than straight men. Well, women are better judges of this than men…but really I think it’s because we don’t have to try as hard as gays.

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Transsexuals and transvestic Autogynephiles: How to Spot Them.

Originally posted 2017-01-25 06:38:55.

There are two distinct types of ‘transwoman’ — Transsexuals and transvestic Autogynephiles. These are people born male who present as women. Other than that, the two types have no similarity to each other. However, this has been deliberately confused by individuals in one of these types, to advantage themselves at the expense of the other, and also to harm women. This has caused widespread misunderstanding. We need a field guide. Read on!


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