Abortion and women’s power

Originally posted 2017-09-03 13:57:58.

abortion rod fleming's world
At what point is it no longer acceptable to kill a human baby? I argue it never is. Pic: Rod Fleming

Abortion has become a central pillar of the Feminist assertion of women’s power over society.

Let us be quite clear before we begin: a human foetus is a human: it is an unborn baby. At what point does it become socially unacceptable to kill a human and how far does an individual woman’s right to self-determination go, in allowing her to kill another human?

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Baby murder: a victory at last.

baby murder is wrong

Originally posted 2022-06-26 17:37:26.

On Friday 24th June 2022, one of the most egregious decisions of the US Supreme Court was finally struck down. This is tremendous news.

The decision in Roe v Wade, in 1973, prevented any legislation to stop women from carrying out baby murder. At the sane time it protected those guilty of carrying our the murders. Although States did try to restrict the effects of this diabolical decision, in the time since it was handed down, over sixty million babies have been murdered. Ironically, while the aim of the Planned Parenthood Association of America — which, naturally, operates only in USica — was actually to reduce fertility amongst blacks, most of the babies murdered had white middle-class mothers, many of whom were feminists.

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