Strömholm’s Beautiful Transsexuals

Originally posted 2016-08-14 10:15:42.

Strömholm ‘s Transsexuals: Les Amies de Place Blanche

Christer Strömholm (1918-2002) was ‘the father of Swedish photography’. A talented and influential photojournalist, he favoured direct contact with his subjects. He never ‘stole’ candid pictures and instead always had a relationship of some kind with the person or people he was photographing.

Christer Stromholm

For over a decade, beginning in 1958, Strömholm documented the lives of a group of transsexual women (male-to-female) living in an area of Paris called the Place Blanche. His body of work is remarkable. In 2011 Aman Iman Publishing in Paris republished it as Les Amies de Place Blanche. The price is a very reasonable 45 Euros.

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Gay child: a pederast’s fantasy.

gay child not

Originally posted 2022-04-30 14:20:57.

It horrifies me that in 2022 I still have to say this: There is no such thing as a ‘gay child’.

Even what is meant by ‘child’ as been deliberately obscured. As a result we have to specify what one is, since some USicans apparently think it’s anyone under the age of thirty. Well, the USA is the motherlode of bad ideas, after all. But we can’t really discuss the concept of a ‘gay child’ without knowing what a child is. Seems fairly basic.

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A child is, specifically, a young person who has not yet reached puberty. Age of puberty varies, but it is usually in the eleven to thirteen age range in males, with a few outliers. So we are talking about individuals — in this case, male ones — under the age of twelve or so. And note, only those. Adolescents are not children.

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Explaining transsexualism

Originally posted 2016-07-14 12:19:18.

geena-rocero-transsexualismTranssexualism is high profile these days. But what actually causes it? Who are transsexuals? Since there is clearly a deal of ignorance over this, I’m going to go  over the explanations again, in a short series of articles.

Women trapped in men’s bodies?

Many people are familiar with the idea that male -to-female (MtF) transsexuals, or transwomen, are ‘women trapped in men’s’ bodies. At the same time, they probably have heard the inverse about Female to Male (FtM) transsexuals or transmen. That is to say, they are ‘men trapped in women’s’ bodies.

A moment’s reflection should make anyone with a brain ask a pertinent question: how can they possibly  know that?

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Naomi Wu and Autogynephilia in women


Originally posted 2022-11-06 17:20:33.

Naomi Wu is an Internet personality and ‘maker’ who lives in Shenzhen, in Guangzhou in southern China. She built a career around making ‘how-to’ videos and doing technical reviews. Hers is an invented name and it would be fair to categorise her, in part at least, as a performance artist. She is also, self-admittedly, a ‘geek’.

Naomi Wu got into trouble with the relentlessly leftist and deeply unpleasant Twitter mob (before Elon came in) over a row about an interview she did with Vice magazine, a suppurating boil on the backside of the Internet. But that is not our concern here, other than that it raised her profile enough to be noticed outside the ‘geek-world’ she naturally inhabits.


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More germane is her persona. Naomi Wu has never hesitated to flaunt her feminine assets and has always been a walking, talking affirmation of gender. Habitually, in public and on camera she wears outfits that display significant amounts of her and she has, well, spectacular breast implants. She is tall and has long legs, which she is clearly proud of and shows off, wearing the briefest of shorts and tallest of high-heels.

One has to admit that the ensemble is impressive. Although she tends not to wear a lot of make-up, she always wears some and is attentive to her appearance. She describes herself as the ‘Sexy Cyborg’ and is a committed transhumanist, a philosophical position that welcomes the coming together of human biology and innovative technical devices.

By any measure, Naomi Wu is a striking figure, beautiful, articulate and clearly smart. But recently, her fans got a shock: this quintessential Internet tech-babe, all legs, boobs and brain, is lesbian.

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The Fraud called Tailcalled is Carl Dybdahl


Originally posted 2022-11-06 13:33:56.

Today’s first piece is an update to my last, about a Fraud called Tailcalled. I could just update that but a new one will get more coverage. So, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Carl Dybdahl, aka ‘Tailcalled’.

I have now confirmed that ‘Tailcalled’ is in fact a man and that the picture he uses is a fake. He confessed on Twitter that it is actually an AI-generated image. So to all his fans, sorry, this is not your man.

In fact, this is ‘Tailcalled’.


His real name is Carl Dybdahl and he is a software engineer living in Copenhagen. Carl has confirmed this identification by his reaction to my posting certain details.

Carl made the mistake of attacking me personally from behind his false identity, on YouTube. I imagine he might think twice before doing that again. I shall refrain from further comment on the person, though I will on his methodology, in the future.

I shall post another piece about why we have to destroy the internet culture of anonymity.

books by rod fleming

Trans debate: My position in a vicious debate

trans debate

Originally posted 2021-05-03 18:30:10.

This is an unusual post for me. It is likely that my web presence will have to be significantly modified in the future. I’m afraid Covid-19 has caught up with us and we have lost all our sponsorships and support. This website generates no income and is really a vanity. So things will have to change and it is likely that I shall use other media more in the future.

However, before beginning these changes, I want to make a few things quite clear, regarding the ‘trans debate’, if something so vicious can be called a debate.

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Congenital Sexual Inversion and Gender Dysphoria

Originally posted 2021-10-16 08:52:53.

True or homosexual transsexualism, which is usually known as HSTS, is the product of Congenital Sexual Inversion. In this, the individual experiences anomalies in testosterone delivery while still developing in his or her mother’s womb. In girls, too much will cause masculinisation but in boys, too little will cause feminisation. The effects may be observed in children as young as thirty months of age.

The effects of  Congenital Sexual Inversion depend on the severity of the anomaly and the point in foetal development at which it occurred. For example, in boys, the genitalia develop before the brain structures related to sexuality and gender do. So a boy can be born with normal genitalia and, potentially, a sexuality that is so feminised as to be completely female.

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The Man Who Would Be Queen

Originally posted 2016-05-17 12:53:54.

J Michael Bailey’s seminal book, The Man Who Would Be Queen (TMWWBQ) sparked huge controversy when it was published in 2003. The furore it caused, while small in focus, was spectacular in its incandescent rage at the author. This was categorically different from the conservative reaction to works of other controversial authors like D H Lawrence, or even Vladimir Nabokov’s deeply unsettling study of male attraction to pubescent girls. In those,  the hostility was principally against the work; not so here. It was J Michael Bailey in person who was vilified.

And to cap that, TMWWBQ is not a work of fiction, but of popular science. It is well written, in non-scientific language, is easy to read and deeply sympathetic to its subject. So what on Earth happened, to provoke such a furious backlash? It included entirely spurious attempts to end Bailey’s career, personal slurs and threats of violence against him. His attackers even accused him of sexually molesting his children.

The campaign against Bailey, coordinated by a small group of internet bullies, amounted to nothing more or less than a blatant attempt at censorship associated with a virulent personal attack on the author. It’s time, now, to revisit this book and see why it caused such a storm in a latte cup. Continue reading “The Man Who Would Be Queen”

Trans women: Jenner is not their only face

Originally posted 2015-10-26 13:01:28.

This article on the two types of trans woman is from 2015 but I’ve updated and refreshed it. The points it makes are still germane.

If you’ve been anywhere near a media outlet over the last few years you won’t ave been able to avoid noticing that trans women are getting a lot of attention. If you have seen images of Caitlyn, formerly Bruce, Jenner, and then Paris Lees, Janet Mock, Laverne Cox or Jai Dara Latto, who was  crowned Miss Transgender UK 2015, you might be forgiven for being a bit confused. You might be struggling to figure out what the connection is between an ageing sports jock who looks like a man in a dress, and a glamorous woman who looks like — a glamorous woman. If you’re at all liberal or PC, you might have just accepted that these are the same, but, you know, because time and stuff.

But you’d be dead wrong. There are two completely distinct types of transgender woman and there is no connection between them at all. The conflation that is going on is wrong and potentially lethal.

This is important because one type is the  subject of deadly and repeated violence, while the other colludes in it. Perhaps even worse, a vicious form of feminism rooted in the writing of the odious Janice Raymond, has for decades also been colluding in this persecution. Those who follow this are called Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist or TERFs.

Now I will show my cards here: my girlfriend is trans. But she’s not like Jenner. And because she is — being of the other type — a potential victim of violence, I have to stand to the wire. Political Correctness is all very well until people start dying because of it; and that is what is happening. So let me explain.

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