Dancing into The New Feudalism


Originally posted 2023-06-13 15:04:10.

We have, in the West, entered into an age of new feudalism. To understand this we need to look back to the original one.

Once we get past the chivalry, knights in shining armour, pages who polished their swords, swooning ladies, castles and dragons, feudalism, essentially, was about the concentration of wealth in the hands of a tiny elite.

Medieval Europe was largely an agrarian economy, although there were significant resources in fishing and still, hunting — both of which quickly came under the control of the landed elite, the feudal lords.

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EU Referendum

Originally posted 2016-06-20 11:42:53.

On Thursday this week, the people of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland  will vote in a crucial referendum. For the first time in over 40 years, they will have the chance to express a view about the European Union (EU). To decide, in fact, whether they wish to remain a part of it or not.

(This post was updated on 24 September 2018. It seems just as apposite today, even though the Referendum this referred to was held and the UK voted to leave the EU. But the grasping tendrils of this thoroughly undemocratic, bureaucratic organisation still attempt to stifle our freedom.)

At root the question being asked in the referendum is this and only this: do the benefits of being a part of the EU count for more than the loss of sovereignty that it has entailed? Has it delivered democracy, powerful economic growth and security in sufficient measure to make up for its centralisation of power?

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