Originally posted 2021-11-24 16:48:59.
I have been asked many times about the technical details of making love with ladyboys and at last I decided to do it. By the way, I know this is in the wrong order, blame my stupid software. The stuff in my head, that is.
Anyway, how does a straight man make love to a ladyboy? With a little care and sensitivity, is the answer. I know there are men out there who like to fucked but most of us are not like that and for those who are, you’re either Autogynephilic or suffering from internalised homophobia. Neither of these are desirable. The ladyboys we are talking about are what Blanchard et alia call HSTS, that is, homosexual transsexuals and what I call True Transsexuals.
They are exclusively attracted to men, have been girls since the age of two and will only play the female role in bed. We are not talking about the other type, Autogynephilic transvestites here. In southeast Asia these can be fun to play with, but in the West they are a nightmare and should be avoided. Granted there are a few exceptions, but caveat emptor, or maybe, caveat futuour.
In my experience, transsexual ladyboys are lovely girls, attentive, caring and great in bed. They are beautiful and unassuming, if occasionally a little crazy. (It might be the hormones.) Transvestites, who often call themselves transgender in the West, are practically impossible to have a relationship with. I shouldn’t even try with a Western one and certainly not with one who transitioned over the age of around 18. Bad bet.

It pays to find out exactly what the girl is interested in before getting her into bed. Having spent a night fighting off a girl who suddenly got it into her head that she was the man, I can assure you it’s no fun and you will not get out of that bed without a fight or a sore bum.
Maybe invest in handcuffs. Seriously.
Available on my Odysee Channel.
And on Youtube, below.